Plaque 2

We are proud to announce that Private Hope Tenacious, mascot of the 11th Combat Service Battalion (11CSSB) has been promoted to Corporal!

Lieutenant Colonel Wendy Wheadon CSC bestowed the honour, accompanied by Warrant Officer 1 Jamie Otto.

WO1  Otto explained that promotion was a bit overdue, as Hope has been a Private for 5 years now. The hope is that she will be inspired to fulfill our expectations as one of the few participants in the captive breeding programme for endangered southern cassowaries.

The ceremony was part of 11CSSB Family Day, and an opportunity for participants to see the recent refurbishment of Hope and Troppos’s enclosure, carried out by battalion members.

After a tour of the park, family members were treated to a barbecue. A great day for all. Thanks to 11CSSB for your support of our southern cassowaries.